Preprint: Decisions About Equivalence: A Comparison of TOST, HDI-ROPE, and the Bayes Factor

This post is an extended synopsis of Linde, M., Tendeiro, J. N., Selker, R., Wagenmakers, E.-J., & van Ravenzwaaij, D. (submitted). Decisions about equivalence: A comparison of TOST, HDI-ROPE, and the Bayes factor. Preprint available on PsyArXiv:   Abstract Some important research questions require the ability to find evidence for two conditions being practically equivalent. This is impossible to…

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Redefine Statistical Significance XIX: Monkey Business

Background: the 2018 article “Redefine Statistical Significance” suggested that it is prudent to treat p-values just below .05 with a grain of salt, as such p-values provide only weak evidence against the null. Here we provide another empirical demonstration of this fact. Specifically, we examine the degree to which recently published data provide evidence for the claim that students who…

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