The drawings in this library are available under a CC-BY license. Unless otherwise stated, please attribute the artwork to Viktor Beekman and the concepts to Eric-Jan Wagenmakers. Click on the image to view it in full resolution.

1. Concept by Balazs Aczel, Alexandra Sarafoglou, and Eric-Jan Wagenmakers.↩
2. Concept by Alexandra Sarafoglou.↩
3. Concept by Eric-Jan Wagenmakers and Quentin F. Gronau.↩
4. Concept by Johnny van Doorn.↩
5. Concept by Tom Hardwicke and Eric-Jan Wagenmakers.↩
6. Artwork by Dirk-Jan Hoek, concept by Eric-Jan Wagenmakers.↩
7. Concept by Max Hinne and Eric-Jan Wagenmakers.↩